Archive for crossbow

D Below Middle C

Posted in Hannibal Lecter Fanfiction with tags , , on June 11, 2010 by hannibalvisionsarchive

By Indreams

Summary:    The sound of a crossbow, some hard liquor, and some unique feelings bring about a realization to both Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling. A romantic drama.

Timeline:      After ‘Hannibal’ – the novel.  Follows canon.

Rating:          PG

The sound of a crossbow is a sound that few have heard up close.  Today, Clarice Starling, while shopping for a present, a knife, in a store selling various kinds of weaponry, heard the sound of a crossbow for the second time in her life.

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The Princess Cup

Posted in Hannibal Lecter Fanfiction with tags , , , on June 2, 2010 by hannibalvisionsarchive

The Princess Cup



Summary:      Hannibal and Clarice are given an antique cup as a Christmas present.  This has unexpected consequences.  Response to the Merry Clarice and Hannibal New Year Quest. Light drama, with a touch of dark humor.

Timeline:       Several months after the Buenos Aires opera sequence in Chapter 102 of the Hannibal novel.

Rating:          PG-13


It was a warm early-summer day, two days before Christmas.  Dr. Norbert Praetorius (a.k.a. Hannibal Lecter) and his wife, Laura (a.k.a. Clarice Starling) were celebrating her birthday by taking a long drive through the countryside near Buenos Aires, to a secluded region next to a small lake that he had come upon many years before. He was pleased to note that it retained the solitude and serenity he recalled from his former visit.

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